Recording Level of Effort

You can record and compare planned level of effort with the actual level effort spent on creating and managing mapping specifications.

To record the level of effort, follow these steps:

  1. In the Additional Mapping Information pane, click the Level of Effort tab.
  2. Click .
  3. Enter appropriate values in the fields. Fields marked with a red asterisk are mandatory. Refer to the following table for field descriptions.
  4. Field Name



    Planned Level of Effort

    Mapping Effort

    Specifies the planned mapping effort in days.

    For example, 12.0 days.

    ETL Effort

    Specifies the planned ETL effort in days.

    For example, 10.5 days.


    Specifies notes about the planned level of effort.

    For example: Planned level of effort took all the project requirements into account.

    Actual Level of Effort

    Mapping Effort

    Specifies the actual mapping effort in days.

    For example, 12.0 days.

    ETL Effort

    Enter the actual ETL effort in days.

    For example, 9.5 days.


    Specifies the notes about the actual level.

    For example: Actual level of effort were lesser than the planned level of effort.

  5. Click .
  6. The level of effort tab is recorded.